The Students for Sensible Drug Policy UK blog is an information point of our latest activities. We also have articles written by our members more generally about drugs and drug policy.
Release is the national centre of expertise on drugs and drugs law – providing free and confidential specialist advice to the public and professionals. Release also campaigns for changes to UK drug policy to bring about a fairer and more compassionate legal framework to manage drug use in our society.
TalkingDrugs is an online space reflecting the global challenge posed by illicit drugs. It provides an opportunity to share stories and insights that will help us find better ways to control illicit drugs and prevent them causing excessive harm.
Transform Drug Policy Foundation exists to promote sustainable health and wellbeing by bringing about a just, effective and humane system to regulate and control drugs at local, national and international levels. Raising the debate on the prohibition, legalisation and regulation of all drugs including heroin, cocaine and cannabis. Transform also keeps a regularly updated blog on drug policy reform. On their website you can download many excellent documents including Tools for the Debate, a handbook for all drug policy activists and the first point of reference to argue the case for reform.
International Drug Policy Consortium (IDPC) is a global network of NGOs and professional networks that specialise in issues related to the production and use of controlled drugs.
Youth R.I.S.E. (Resource. Information. Support. Education) is the world’s leading youth-led harm reduction advocacy network.
The UK Drug Policy Commission is an independent body providing objective analysis of UK drug policy. They aim to improve political, media and public understanding of drug policy issues and the options for achieving a rational and effective (evidence-led) response to the problems caused by illegal drugs.
Students for Sensible Drug Policy (USA) is our sister organisation in the United States. They are the first SSDP network in the world and have many years of experience lobbying for drug policy reform.
Canadian Students for Sensible Drug Policy is our sister organisation in Canada. They have only been going for a few years, but have already had an impact on their national drug policy debate.
Studencka Inicjkatywa Narkopolitiyki (Student Drug Policy Initiative) is our sister organisation in Poland who we work very closely with are growing rapidly.
CLEAR: Cannabis Law Reform Party is a new UK political party dedicated to campaigning for the legalisation of cannabis.
UK Cannabis Internet Activists (UKCIA) is a website providing educational information on cannabis law reform activism and information about the cannabis plant.
The Drug Equality Alliance (DEA) is a UK based not for profit organisation whose purpose is to transform the “War on some people who use some Drugs” from its subjective historical and cultural roots into a rational and objective legal regulatory framework that secures equal rights and equal protection to all those who are concerned with dangerous or otherwise harmful drugs.
The Beckley Foundation is a charitable trust that promotes the investigation of consciousness and its modulation from a multidisciplinary perspective.
Erowid is a member-supported organisation providing access to reliable, non-judgmental information about psychoactive plants, chemicals, and related issues. They have an online library containing tens of thousands of pages of information about psychoactive drugs, plants, and chemicals, including entheogens.
Drugs-Forum is an information hub of high-standards and a platform where people can freely discuss recreational drugs in a mature, intelligent manner. Drugs-Forum offers a wealth of quality information and discussion of drug-related politics, in addition to assistance for members struggling with addiction.
NUN (National Users’ Network) exists to advocate for the rights of people who use drugs and drugs services.
The Alliance is a user led organisation which provides advocacy, training and helpline services to those currently in drug or alcohol treatment, those who have accessed treatment in the past and those who may access treatment in the future